François de Laval, a missionary bishop, a visionary, a bold man, a founder… and a Saint!


Intercessory prayers

Intercessory prayers to Saint François de Laval
Praise to You,
God our Father, for François de Laval,
First pastor of the Church in North America.
May he guide us to Your Kingdom.

As he travelled the wide-open spaces of this continent,
Bearing witness to the Good News of Your Son,
May he help us walk together
In the wake of Christ our Lord.
May this man of prayer, always mindful of Your mystery,
Teach us to heed Your Word
And remain faithful to Your Spirit.

May this Apostle of unity and peace
Inspire in us the acts of mutual forgiveness
Couched in respect for our fellow human beings.

Through his attention to each family’s happiness,
May he help us discover, by our covenant with You,
The source of our love and the heights it can attain.
Praise to You,
God our Father, for François de Laval.
Glory be to You
For ever and ever. Amen

Nihil obstat : Jacques St-Michel, priest, Quebec City, March 26th,1993
Imprimatur : Roger Boisvert, hp, Quebec City, March 29th, 1993

O Lord, our God,
You chose François de Laval
To bring the Good News of salvation to North America.
Grant us strength in faith,
Through his intercession, and, following his example,
A fervent heart in service of what is to come.

Through Jesus Christ our Lord.

Nihil obstat : Jacques St-Michel, priest, Quebec City, March 26th,1993
Imprimatur : Roger Boisvert, hp, Quebec City, March 29th, 1993

Prayer intentions

Do not hesitate to ask Saint François de Laval to intercede for your prayer intentions.