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François-De Laval
To learn more about the life, the work and the spirituality of New France’s first bishop, recognized as Saint by the Catholic Church since April 3rd, 2014.
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Find out what the 350th anniversasry celebrations of the Diocese of Quebec will be like! Click here
Newsletter 47, December 2023
Featured: Looking back, looking ahead – A missionary bishop – Photo album – Iconography and quotation. Download here
Now available
Giclée Saint François de Québec in limited edition, numbered and signed with artist Daniel Abel’s monochrome, in large or small format
Saturday, May 6 at 7:30 pm: Mass for the solemn feast of François de Laval – Notre-Dame de Québec Cathedral
Cardinal Gérald Cyprien Lacroix, Archbishop of Quebec, 24th successor to François de Laval, invites all the faithful to come and celebrate with him the liturgical feast of Saint François de Laval, first bishop of Quebec and designated by Pope Francis as an apostle of America.
Broadcast on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/NDQuebec
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