François de Laval, a missionary bishop, a visionary, a bold man, a founder… and a Saint!



Many parishes now offer processes in Christian formation and preparatory classes for the sacrament of Confirmation.
François de Laval is a great model for youngsters, their parents and adults in Christian formation. His works, his determination, and his daring mark civil and religious history still today, and show the great love he had for this American land, its settlers and God

Our activities

The Centre offers different activities in its premises or in parishes: PowerPoint presentations of François de Laval and his times, costumes, and manipulation of objects. A great introduction, or conclusion, to the Social Universe program.

Visit the cathedral

Along with the 50-minute presentation, schools that come to the Centre also get a guided-tour of the Notre-Dame de Québec Basilica-Cathedral, François de Laval’s funeral chapel, his first tomb, and the underground cemetery.

The Center also offers support for parishes in their pilgrimages.


Find out about our other services

For a school activity, a conference or more, contact the Centre d’animation François-De Laval.